No To Dog Meat- Great Scam Or Brilliant Organization You Decide

No To Dog Meat- Great Scam Or Brilliant Organization

You Decide

There is an issue that has been brought to our attention at the end of April early March 2013, when people started to question one of Julie Jo’s Events on Facebook. The Yulin Dog Meat Festival, which has been taken down, or we became blocked from it. Either or, before this event a John Hughes was in discussion with Michele and Julia about a page called Notodogmeat earlier than that, truthfully this started in February or earlier, and thus there it is on Facebook, for all to see. Those who are behind the Notodogmeat, the Masterminds are Michele Brown and Julia Cadenet, along with David Merrill.


This later became a limited by guarantee not for profit organization. Michele Brown, Julia De Cadenet, David Merrill, and an Ilan Shibli. Ilan Shibli is known for his context of an antiquities fraud, the Jordan Codices that was a BBC documentary. It does not stop there though, he is also known on Facebook for ranting and raging against people and has a lawsuit out against BBC, because they took his show down and will be planning to make a film documenting the truth behind everything, and plan to show that at the Big Film Festivals. Jordan Codices Exposed can be found on youtube here:


Now he has become a mouthpiece for Notodogmeat, we question his ability to see fraud from legitimacy; truly, it needs to be questioned. We also think Mr. Shibli was the one holding the camera while recording Michele Brown, who claimed she was at the Moran Market, she was not. In addition, we can prove this, however please indulge us while we report how these people are all intertwined with each other. When we say Ilan is a mouthpiece for Notodogmeat, we mean he shares posts they need sharing.


From the emails we have received from our anonymous contacts, this No to Dog meat issue is way out there, the deeper we dug the more people we found to be behind this factitious website organization… The following names that were listed might be some that you already know of.


Names Are as Follows:
Michele Brown, David Merrill, John Hughes, Ilan Shibli, Julia Cadenet

And Possibly, Kyenan Kum.


Aliases Known So Far: Bitter Twist has appeared on the scene recently July 29th.



How did this all begin? That is the question that we have asked ourselves, on many occasions our anonymous contacts thinks or speculates that it has begun during the Julie Jo event, however looking back at some of the time-stamps and addresses provided during this whole ordeal, it would seem it began with an organization, which Kyenan Kum helped create, yet that is not the case, we believe it began with John Hughes, Although we are not entirely sure that Kyenan Kum is still with the International Aid for Korean Animals (IAKA), for the simple fact she fails to respond to our email messages and questions and has yet to come forward to confirm if she is indeed the Patron of Notodogmeat or not. There is also another fact that must be presented here for the public; the last post she made on her personal account was back in 2012.


It would seem she no longer works for IAKA, since it says “Worked” as in past tense. Did they have a falling out, or was her account compromised during this whole ordeal? Questions go unanswered here, and people would like to know, since she has failed to be present during those who say she is a “patron”.


So how does this all tie in with the other people mentioned?

Michele Brown goes on to say that her and Kyenan Kum have been friends for 24 years, how is this possible. Kyenan Kum lives in California and Michele lives in Australia. Then Michele goes onto say, that Julia De Cadenet is Mrs. Kums lawyer, again how is this possible when Julia lives in the UK area. In addition, was a Barrister in 2010 and works at a Film and Business company, there is no real legal knowledge under Julia’s belt, not from what we can see, with her rude and harassment, slandering comments. That is where these three tie in together, the name-dropping by Michele Brown, in one of my anonymous Contacts Facebook messages.

As you can see here in one of Michele’s Statements, we will not reveal our contacts name for their safety.


As you can see here from the messages our contact received, Michele gave one thing away. Kyenan Kum gave Michele her videos, photographs, and permission to use them, most of those video’s people are seeing are indeed by Kyenan Kum, including some of the recent rescues that do not show Michele in those videos or photo’s, the time stamp was added on in a movie program or paint program it really isn’t that hard to do. If Mrs. Kum is stunned or appalled, why is she not coming forward and making a statement?


Continuing as we stated before, how is Julia Mrs. Kums Lawyer?


Ms. Cadenet WAS a Barrister and is a Director at the Film and Business Limited. If you are not sure what a Barrister is, A barrister, one of the two types of practicing lawyers in England, the other being the solicitor. In general, barristers engage in advocacy (trial work) and solicitors in office work, but there is a considerable overlap in their functions. The solicitor, for example, may appear as an advocate in the lower courts, whereas barristers are often called upon to give opinions or to draft documents.


Julia A lawyer? That is questionable and we did some digging. After doing some research with our team, we have discovered that Julia Attended a Pro Bono program in New York.


Yet when we looked up the Uk Law Barrister registry, we found no Julia Cadenet or any other variant of her name, furthermore. a Barrister CANNOT practice anywhere but in England or Wales, as the laws in Scotland, US and elsewhere are different! So if Kum in LA, Julia de cannot be the lawyer/barrister for them, UNLESS they have a license to practice law in the US state of California.
Even in the film business, the laws are different from country to country. And since this started all in February or April.. We think they hijacked Mrs. Kums ‘status’ as the person for being patron, knowing she will not come out to say anything.
We think too proving Julia De Cadenet is a barrister should be done at any of the places like this:;S&linktype=toc

We did search for Julia repeatedly and again no results found.



Hey, Julia How about you look some information up on Barristers, Link provided here just for you:

Furthermore for you to say that you are now a legal adviser? Cannot be that either unless you have some kind of background in the law community, certificate wise or bar exam passed. All there Julia specifically, to prove you really aren’t a lawyer, you offer no Bar association number, no law firm, and no case examples.


They were not lying when they said they were registered, but not under a Not for Profit organization, they are registered under a COMPANY for their Tee shirts and other items they sell. Look at the date it went through. Still it is limited by guarantee they have until 2014 to turn in their statements, records, and receipts.


Look who is in charge, this is how David Merrill fits in with Julia. However recently we learned that David Merrill withdrew from Company Secretary, now why would that be, why would someone withdraw themselves from this sort of moneymaking opportunity unless they knew deep down, that this organization is truly a fraud. Also, look at the Credit safe area, what does that say? No possible Directorships matching this Director, wake up people, look at the evidence presented to you.

Back onto this Julia issue, we have… Julia there is also this one issue with your Birth date… 1964 then in this document, you have 1973… Which is it, 64 or 73?


As you can see, he retired, from F&B, however he is another mouthpiece for NTDM.


Michele Brown recently made a blog post, and we must say Michele you really are laying it on thick here, how are you an investigative journalist? These are nothing more than rants and opinions… Take our blog for instance, we investigate and post what we have found… Just putting it out there, we think you should take another class or two about “investigation journalism”. To quote from Michele’s Chiffon River blog-


Michele, you abandoned her, and she does indeed have a passport, you were supposed to meet her at the market, but you did not, ANOTHER contradiction with this statement you made on this blog of yours, is you arrived on Saturday the 21st of July in the morning… You would have had Jet lag and not able to go anywhere right away, personal experience from traveling, you would have wanted to sleep awhile. But that video shows you in the market with an UPSIDE DOWN timestamp, whom are you trying to convince really? Furthermore, please explain to me how a “Model” has no passport?


Conversations With Michele and Yossavadee- Hope you don’t mind Yossavadee I see this as more evidence that Michele has been caught in a lie with your messages here.



In fact, you were not at the Moran Market and this is where we prove that you were not there.



You were not in Seoul; you were in Busan South Korea, father away from Seoul and Moran Market.



So, the date was inserted to make it look like you did this on the 21st, so when did you really record this? You would have got away with this issue scot free if the date was not upside down, that is a clear sign the video has been altered. You also stated in your blog that you arrived on the 21st but waited the next day to take the footage- Ergo You lied again.


What IS even more hilarious about your blog is you cannot even tell the truth about your attack, who here has had cat scratches happen before?


We’re sorry a butcher, I thought you said Mafia, which is it? Butchers would leave more of a bruise and or impression on your arm, sorry to say, this is a cat scratch the bruise does not match up with a handprint either. So again, whom are you trying to convince? In addition, the Mafia would do more then beat or tail someone, you really are clueless to the dealings with the MAFIA/TRIAD and BUTCHERS, tell another Lie Michele.


If you have the transcripts of everything that had happened provide them, however, knowing you, you probably altered them.


Also By the way… Moran Market Times of when they are opened and their numbers. Whoops Michele you are most definitely busted here.


Link to the site:


After researching for weeks on end, we summarized this information up to leading back to David Merrill, John Hughes, and Julia De Cadenet. It would seem Michele is just an activist/actor in all of this on top of being the Head campaigner, yet the real deep investigation came into play when we realized that Julia was Ilan’s Wife, while David Merrill made his rounds around Facebook posting on Anti NTDM sites.


David Merrill

Hi Guys, really like your page and I can not stand what’s happening with all that dog meat stuff, specially Switzerland sick. You have all my support. I think though you got a post wrong. I read about the Thai government and donations on this page
I also get the post from Bitter Brownie who me and my wife have donated to as well as Soi dogs and the Dogs Mountain and the Chiffon River Michele Brown. I don’t think it looks good for you to be running a personal hate campaign against this Julia Cadent lady, won’t you get in trouble with face book I have never seen any horrible post from her or any post from her- takes away from all the really good stuff on your page. We also love those Samoyed dogs in the tshirts, you should get your st Bernards in one. If you plan any protests in Switzerland am on for that, we can go over in our motor home. All the Best Cheers Dave and Sue xx


This is funny, we have yet to see Sue comment on any of these pages, She is real but she does not play any vital role in any of this.


David Merrill Twitter


David Merrill Slandering SOI DOG – SOI DOG does care, and they did do a campaign against the Yulin Festival.


Julia De Cadenet admitting that World Protection is their “Umbrella Organization” Meaning Notodogmeat is a Cover and Front- Do the math.



Dogs Mountain Owned by John Hughes is collecting money from NTDM.






So, you receive money from donations and your T-shirt sales, yet you give half of that to Dogs Mountain? Seems to be money laundering here to make it look good on your end, has anyone ever watched Catch Me If You Can or Matchstick Men? You will see the issues here that we bring to you; this is pure con artistry at its best with this Organization.


You contradicted yourself at the beginning of your statement by the way “Bills need to get paid, flyers cost money? Printer, Paper, Ink, Laminate, which is roughly $55.75 in total. Yet, if you need to buy a printer and or paper and or the ink, than it would roughly cost about $230, just saying, personal experiences. We do have an idea here, how about get a job, and stop depending on peoples hard earn money to pay your bills and Fancy trips to Busan Korea. Michele, seriously, if we can see through the lies than others will come around. I know which bills you speak of, and quite frankly people should not have to pay for your Virtual Office.

Happy to show credentials, bold face lie-


The emails that Julia is speaking of are these here:




You totally avoided our questions there, and did not supply the documentation, so no; you are not willing to give it happily. Also as shown in the documentation with Julia and Merrill that £5000 is another lie, you only have £500 credited to you, so maybe you should get your story straight, before replying to someone who knows when you are being a Bs’er… Speaking of that World Protection statement remember how you told us to go check out that Facebook page? Well we did, guess what it is gone, how shocking.
Also, any “Legal” team would be happy to show their credentials of authenticity.


Cache Snapshots:



Again, not charity registered, it’s “company” registered.

Continuing with the rest of our messages in the Private Inbox of our page:



The harassment J De Cadenet has done-




Yeah you are real Professional Julia, harassing Yossavadee like that. Brilliant, busted again Julia.


The email we sent Mrs. Kum:


Now that we have an understanding Julia, we must admit something to you, Since you are all panicking and deleting everything from July 21st to the 29th, Mrs. Kum never responded back to us. However, since you are panicking, that just proves, Mrs. Kum truly does not know anything about your Notodogmeat organization.


Furthermore, not that we are sticking up for Joseph Dimetri, however, please stop saying he is behind this issue when, he is not. He would not go this far to prove something to anyone, and furthermore he does not contradict himself, he lies flat out. In addition, his attitude and personality is of an educated sociopath, you can see that from time to time on most of his IARF pages he admins or posts on. In addition, the Norwich police have his computers for investigation, so, no it surely is not him, and whoever is posting on the IARF pages might not be him either, it might be his associates doing it, relaying his statements that he wrote up, or he is using another computer.


August 6th 2013 we receive a private message once again going back to a Julie Jo-



Therefore, how would you know that we name dropped unless you are talking to the people behind NTDM, as stated by our admin, who is not blocked by you. Think about it Julie Jo, you just gave yourself away. We do not know how you are involved and really do not care at this point; you are little compared to these three major cons. However, Slandering Hand In Hand who give a voice for Asian countries, below the belt. We know why you are slandering Hand In Hand, that all leads back to the Steve Corcoran days don’t it, kicked out of the 4A groups because you crucified a member along with stating one of them deserved to be raped, no one deserves that treatment. Julie we proved you were racist, would you like us to pull up the proof? The proof is quite recent by the way; you might find it awe inspiring how we obtained the link to your so-called, non-racist event, even though it is a racial mess in your event.



Oh look at that, you like a comment that says what? (China should never have existed) If that is not racist, than what is Julie? You might not let your racist side slip out in your comments but you are one rude woman. On top of another little juicy fact you proudly admitted last year too.


So, you are with Yoram Erez? Moreover, Stand By Animals is connected to the Notodogmeat organization. Which Means Yoram is also behind this Brilliant fraud, doesn’t it, since you are supposedly his, Manager… Add a couple more names to the list to avoid, Yoram and Julie Jo.

Now we go back to Mr. Merrill:


Yes, we have your photo, Oops, now the world can see what you look like Mr. Merrill. Personally we have been trying to find out information on you, which still eludes us to this day, the only thing we can see is that you, are the financial advisor for No To Dog Meat Aka World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade… Oh, you all are registered, yet you are breaking the UK laws.




Current Appointments Report for:


Created: 08/08/2013 10:49:13


Companies House is a registry of corporate information. We carry out basic checks to make sure that documents have been fully completed and signed, but we do not have the statutory power or capability to verify the accuracy of the information that corporate entities send to us. We accept all information that such entities deliver to us in good faith and place it on the public record. The fact that the information has been placed on the public record should not be taken to indicate that Companies House has verified or validated it in any way.



Company Register Information

Company Number: 08544316 Date of Incorporation:24/05/2013
Registered Office: 17 CAVENDISH SQUARE  








Company Type: PRI/LBG/NSC (Private, Limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of ‘Limited’ exemption)  


Country of Origin: United Kingdom  


Status: Active  


Nature Of Business (SIC): None Supplied
Number of Charges: ( 0 outstanding / 0 part satisfied / 0 satisfied)






Previous Names  




No previous name information has been recorded over the last 20 years.






Key Filing Dates  










Accounting Reference Date: 31/05  


Last Accounts Made Up To: (NO ACCOUNTS FILED)  


Next Accounts Due: 24/02/2015  


Last Return Made Up To:  




Next Return Due: 21/06/2014  








Last Bulk Shareholders List: Not available  




Current Appointments

Number of current appointments: 2










Appointed: 24/05/2013  




No. of Appointments: 1  


Address: 13 IVY ROAD  






NW2 6SY  











Appointed: 24/05/2013 Date of Birth: 10/08/1973
Nationality: BRITISH  


No. of Appointments: 1  








W1G 0PH  


Country/State of Residence: UNITED KINGDOM  



This Report excludes resignations



Recent Filing History

Documents filed since 24/05/2013








This Report excludes 88(2) Share Allotment documents




Underlined it for a specific reasoning you will see… Now who looks silly here, the whistleblowers, or your little organization?



Whoops! Cannot have a share capital… Cannot issue shares to those who back it or join it- What do you call Dogs Mountain John Hughes then? Sharing your fund-raising (Profits) with him. Money Laundering Enjoy Jail!!!


Hi Mrs. Cadenet, here is our email that we have received. Enjoy being exposed.


Whoops! Unregistered Barrister, Unregistered/Private Organization- Hmm you followers really do not see this fraud yet do you. Would more evidence help you of this organizations lack of transparency or should we say Legitimacy?




A virtual office provides communication and address services that allow users to reduce traditional office costs while maintaining business professionalism Frequently the term is confused with “office business centers” or “executive suites” which demand a conventional lease whereas a true virtual office does not require that expense.



The term “virtual office” implies space utilization, but a full application includes professional live communications.


Communications services

Remote receptionist – A team of workers in an office environment working remotely, using high-tech Computer Telephone Integration software, to replace a traditional receptionist.


Virtual assistant – A virtual assistant is often a “lone eagle” working from home, who rarely meets their clients face-to-face. A virtual assistant typically has no access to CTI Software. Rates run $25 an hour and up.

Answering services/call centers operate from a centralized location for the purpose of receiving and transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone. Users lament problems of security, impersonal staff with high turnover, language barriers, translation errors and a less-than-professional image. When selecting an answering service, look for one based in your own country so that there are no language barriers.


Voicemail is a low-cost technology that stores voice messages electronically. In customer service applications, voicemail has limitations. Used for customer service, voicemail has become synonymous with frustration. The complaints are legion and have inspired spoofs on the voicemail experience. Studies also show that up to 75% of callers simply hang up when their call is answered by a machine.

Virtual office space – Virtual office gives you a chance to own a high profile reputed address in a city of your choice, at a fraction of the buying or renting cost of such an address.


Phone answering service – Virtual office phone answering service bridging the gap between you and your numerous clients.

Space services


Professional address – A prestigious building to be used as the business address. A professional address alleviates the privacy and personal security concerns of running a home-based business. A user can expand into new markets by utilizing a provider with multiple locations to establish a professional presence in the desired growth markets.

Mailing address – The professional address can be used for accepting, sending and forwarding mail without the connotations of a PO box. Under US law, a PO box is to be clearly indicated and so not conducive for most corporate entities in this regard. Some VO providers offer 24/7 access to individually assigned and locked mailboxes. This allows the staff of a VO user to have a centralized location as a convenient vehicle for the secure transfer of paper documents 24/7. A mail-only provider may be subject to USPS CMRA regulations.


Reception courtesies – Receptionists at the business address can receive and sign for incoming overnights, deliveries, packages and provide document drop-off/pick-up services.[citation needed] On-site witnesses and notaries may be available, depending on the provider.


Business meeting space – The on-demand use (hourly, daily or weekly) of conference rooms and offices for meetings. Meeting space can often be rented at short notice.

Casual workspace – As an alternative to the distractions of co-working or the interruptions of a home office, office space is available on an occasional or “drop-in” basis, either hourly, daily or monthly.

Executive suite – A small percentage of VO users lease space full-time time.


On-site amenities – A full-service virtual office will provide broadband Internet, fax-copier-printer, advanced phone features, conference calling, video conferencing, kitchenette and a business-worthy lobby/waiting area.

Virtual office solution – Virtual office solution gives dual advantages in whichever city you need and a reputed business address which would marginalize the gap created by established brand value.


Live virtual receptionist – A virtual answering service is an automated system with a live virtual receptionist. These kind of services can be enjoyed without purchasing expensive equipment.

Other services – Other services may include creation of a website, business cards, attorney consultations.



A virtual office blends home and work to gain efficiencies in both. Office expenses are low, while the user’s professionalism retains the image of a traditional, high-cost office. A virtual office user can reduce their environmental impact, as well as the personal negatives of a daily commute. Virtual office clientele have the flexibility to match expenses with revenue fluctuations immediately, as the costs are usually variable. A virtual office can allow for low-cost expansion with no long-term commitments. Users taking advantage of virtual office receptionists eliminate the traditional burden of health care, records, payroll, insurance, & rent. In addition, traditional time-off (sick days, vacations, personal leaves, etc.…) does not apply to a virtual staff.



Ergo, Organization- NOT REAL, NOT LEGIT, NO TRANSPARENCY. It is just a bunch a people working from home, collecting on your donations or money from their T-Shirt sales, while all this is happening most if not all the money is going to a John Hughes of Dogs Mountain.



Now you know what John Hughes Looks like.


Does Dogs Mountain really look like a Sanctuary to you? Who’s to say these pictures of these dogs are really there?



Looks like you really are not a sanctuary if you keep these areas filthy and deplorable.



Does this really look like a Paradise for dogs? Not to me and not to others.


No, no John, You have that backwards.


Notodogmeat did not have the authority to use that money on other things, other than put it towards the wellbeing of the dogs and cats. And thus they had to give the money back to the Thai people; they also don’t have the authority to forward you any money either. Since they are a Private, Limited No Share Capital, thus this is indeed Money Laundering.


Back to HOW this all started with the when and who was behind it at first-


It would seem that John Hughes was behind it all from this post Giny Woo has shared on her Wall…


Linda Camac posted to Stand By Animals In China
NTDM (No To Dog Meat) is under Interpol investigation for fraud. Refrain at this juncture about sending them donations — it is highly likely a SCAM.
Nothing is more despicable than when greedy scam artists take advantage of people with good hearts, put up a convincing webpage with convincing photos and convincing rhetoric to fatten their own wallets!
And what will happen if they get closed down? They will change the name of their cause and continue because those kinds of people do not know how to make an honest living!
There are about 5-6 heading this bogus group and they demand $120.00 from each member per year (and there are members from around the world), plus many, many other pleas throughout the week for more and higher donations. No one is asking for an accounting of this money — they just make up a new scenario every week and cry that they don’t have the funds to rescue the animals.

 Then we have this lovely Post- Why are you warning Stand By Animals? Oh Because Interpol is investigating. Yes, warn them even though they are behind NTDM as well. Maybe Interpol would be able to confirm this, since they covered their tracks. All in All, Interpol is definitely investigating. So Craash, your statement of saying that they are not is false, for the fact that we did indeed contact Interpol.

We close this article with the following statement-

Knowledge is free, information is at your fingertips, wake up and stop being sheeple. Uncover the truth, like we have.

 We are Legion.

We are the Majority

We are the 99%

Divided by 0

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

We Are Anonymous

Expect us.

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